Our week at Yeppoon was a perfect opportunity for us to stop. To look. To feel the warmth of the sun on our faces. To be still. To wonder at the beauty all around us.
To contemplate the fingerprints of God on all of creation. To run with abandon across the sand with the wind in our hair.
To gaze with curiosity at the tiny wriggling crab in our children’s hands, or the intricate design drawn on the sand by sea worms and other small creatures. To listen to the roar of the ocean at night or the whistling of the wind in the tall pines along the shore.
This is the natural work of children. But for us as adults it takes a decision. A decision to pause and allow the wonder and curiosity of childhood to seep back into our souls.
For me it is restoring, refreshing and remembering the things that matter. When I sit and watch my children scamper from one wonder to the next with joy and intrigue, I am reminded of the simple faith that leads to great peace.
First posted May 26, 2021
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