It was worth the chilly early morning, to witness the glory of this Yowah sunrise ☀️
We drove hours and hours to reach little Yowah, a small gem fossicking community in between Quilpie and Cunnamulla. The sheer expanse of land and the breadth of the horizon is awe inspiring.
There is a beauty and peace in the wide open spaces but it is tinged with a feeling of loneliness and caution. Millions of acres without many traces of humanity. An occasional dirt driveway to indicate that someone lives down there somewhere. The drive way might go for hours. It might not.
Every way you look there is harsh hot land home to kangaroos, snakes, lizards, pigs and lots of mosquitoes. It is a hard land.
But up here on this rocky knoll it seems like we are on the top of the world. The colors are like nothing I’ve ever seen. The photos just can’t do them justice. It is a moment etched in my memory, a glimpse of glory. So special.

First posted April 20, 2021
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